What is Cholera?? 15+ Most effective Home remedies for Cholera.


If there is stiffness in hand-feet and urine with vomiting and diarrhea then suspect cholera. Cholera related tests and necessary medicines.

Cholera Bacteria 


  1. This disease is infected or transmitted by which it is called cholera vibrio. 
  2. This cholera vibrio looks like a semicolon in a creative way. 
  3. These bacteria are present in the patient intestine, vomiting, stool and urine etc. The beetles sit on the things they eat and drink with the bacteria then healthy person who consumes food these food items, gets attracted by being infected with its infection. 
  4. When the patients stool urine is cleaned with pond water so that water also becomes contaminated and those who use this water also get infected with it.
  5. When the infection of this bacteria is around then give repeated instructions to use only boiled water. 
  6. Healthy person becomes victim to drinking raw water or raw milk during the transition. 
  7. Those who use the water where the clothes of the patient are washed, are also victims of the disease. 
  8. This is a terrible infectious disease. Therefore those who are in touch should also take spacial precautions otherwise this disease may be infected.


  1. Normally cholera has three stages.  (a) There are frequent stools like rice water in the first stage. (b) Vomiting, stiffness in hand-feet, low urine or urine not comes. (c) Reaction mode.
  2. Due to diarrhea and vomiting the patient becomes weak and there is lethargic. 
  3. Due to the lack of water in the body, the eyes get stuck inside. The urine comes low or stops and the thirst is intense. 
  4. Trouble in breathing, cramping in the body, voice vibration, and cold sweating more is the symptoms of severe condition of disease. 
  5. If the treatment not starts on time then up to 80 % patients are deaths.     
  6. There is the 5° c difference between patient skin and intestinal track. 

General Instructions:-

  1. Pay spacial attention to cleaning as much as possible during the transition or infection. Focus on clothing, residence and body cleaning. 
  2. Keep the nails short, cover the food items and clean the mouth and hand well before the meal. 
  3. Drain the patient's stool-urine etc. in the ground. Do not put it in public and all useful reservoirs.
  4. Do not clean the patient's clothes in public place and reservoirs.
  5. Pay spacial attention to diet and drink. Diet is pure, healthy and clean. Thus try to avoid indigestion.
  6. If using raw fruits and green vegetables then wash the vegetables and fruits in the boiled water first. 
  7. After boiling the water use it only by cooling it down. 
  8. Stop the spicy, chilli and sour food. 
  9. If a woman is infected with this, then refuse to give milk to the children of the dock. 
  10. Let a nurse and a doctor come in contact with the patient that is at least people should be aware of it. 
  11. Use only after washing the utensils which is already use by the patient. 
  12. Wash the patient's room floor 2-3 times daily with disinfectant solution. Spacial arrangements for equal sunlight in the room. 
  13. Those who touch or contact with the patient, they should be wash the hand with insecticidal solution. 
  14. To overcome the lack of water in the body, give normal saline or dextrose normal saline as per body requirement with infusion method through vain path.  

Ayurvedic Patent Treatments:-

  1. Entodestrol Tablet (Mahadev Healthcare):- If diarrhea is more due to any reason then give 1-2 tablets every day 3-4 hours interval. It is very effective and useful for it. 
  2. Gas Cure Tablet (Mahadev Healthcare):- If gas made in stomach along with vomiting, diarrhea in cholera then give 1-2 tablets 2-3 times daily. 
  3. ACDT Tablet (Mukti Pharma):- If sour smell comes in vomiting and stool in cholera then give 1-2 tablets every 3-4 hours interval. 
  4. Gasomukti Tablet (Mukti Pharma):- Give 1-2 tablets every 3-4 hours interval till disease cured. It there is gas rich disease then it is beneficial. 
  5. Dystial Syrup (Indian Drug House):- Give 5 to 10 ml every 3-4 hours interval with equal quantity of water. It is beneficial in cholera which occurs due to digestive disorder. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatments:-

  1. Give immediately with a mixture of water of nutmeg and honey mixed 1 tablet of grhni gajkesri in much increase cholera. 
  2. Vishuchi Vidhvansan Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet with milk every 4-6 hours interval. 
  3. Karpurasava:- Give 5 to 20 drops with batasha every 2-3 hours interval. It is beneficial in cholera and other related pain. 
  4. Mutrlakshay:- If there is urine stop in cholera then give 25-50 ml every 3-4 hours interval. 
  5. Lashunadi Vati:- Give 1-4 tablets 4-6 tablets in cholera. After the condition is cure then give 2-2 tablets every 3 times daily. 

Home Remedies:-

  1. Give onion juice 5-10 ml with honey every 1-2 hours interval. 
  2. Make a powder of black salt and black pepper. Give 2-3 gm with madar flower juice every 3 hours interval. 
  3. Take equal quantity of roasted suhaga and camphor and mix it. Give 125 mg every 1-1 hour interval.
  4. Give bitter gourd juice mix in it oil. The cholera related pain will be cured by its consumption. 
  5. The cholera outbreak is silent due to give onion juice mix with red chilli powder and give to the patient. 

What is Typhoid Fever or Enteric Fever?? How to get rid from it by Ayurvedic Home Remedies??


If the treatment starts before non-blood tests is not being benefited and the patient cannot get rid of fever so do a blood test. It is possible that there is Typhoid.

 Typhoid is very dangers
Typhoid is very dangers


  1. It is transmitted by a spacial type of bacteria which is also called Salmonella typhi.
  2. The bacteria of this disease get out with the stool in the patient's intestines. From where flies are sitting on food items or by mixing them in the water and the healthy person transmits it in the body. Thus it is considered an infectious disease. 
  3. After the entry of this bacteria in the healthy body symptoms of the disease appear normal after 2 weeks and sometimes 3 weeks. 
  4. The period between the entry of the disease bacteria into the body and the appearance of the disease is called incubation period.
  5. It is clear from the above description that food items are fresh. Do not eat the cold or the type of object on which the bees have sat. 
  6. The water is fresh, clean and boiled. Drinking dirty water increases the possibility of this disease infection. 
  7. The patient's stool-urine is more likely to spread the disease. So suppress the patient's stool, urine, mucus etc. in the ground. 


  1. The day before the disease becomes normal fever. 
  2. Fever from second to third day which ranges from 103°c to 104°c.
  3. On the chest, neck, back etc. red rash becomes. 
  4. In the next 24 hours of the rash, water is found in them. 
  5. Due to getting water the rash appears to be like a pearl. That is why this disease also called motijhra. 
  6. Slowly the rashes are filled well then gradually the rashes starts drying. 
  7. As the rashes drying the fever fierceness also decreases. Drying of the rashes starts clotting in the rashes. 
  8. The skin becomes pink colour after the rashes clotting fall. On the place of rashes there are red-red marks. 
  9. Its period in about 3 weeks and improves fourth week. 
  10. The patient's begins to feel hungry. 
  11. The symptoms is appear at the time of rashes fall physical and mental disturbances, Lethargy, headache, this diarrhea, nasal bleeding etc. There is sometimes abdominal pain. 

Other Symptoms are also appear:-

  1. Fever range goes up respectively.
  2. The evening time the fever 1/2 ° higher than the morning.
  3. Tongue being white.
  4. There is something like red rash and dirt in the tongue. On which basis the fever can be identified with success. 
  5. Once there is an internal fever, there is no fear of being repeated for a second time. But there are also some patients which fever continues for long on every seventh day. 

 General Instructions:-

  1. This is infectious disease as the disease certified, separate the patient from other healthy persons for 8 weeks. 
  2. Nurse, doctors and those who comes contact give injection as well. Advice to drink water after boil. Do not eat raw fruits and vegetables. 
  3. Do not use anything false and touching the patient. 
  4. Give the sago, arrowroot, barley etc. in the early stage of the disease.
  5. If there is diarrhea then give pigeon or little goat meat broth. 
  6. If diarrhea is not coming, then milk can be given.
  7. Close the window, doors etc. squeeze the wet towel and clean the body of the patient. 
  8. Do not lay the patient in the same tickle otherwise the patient get died. Give the spatial attention on it. 
  9. Whatever you give in the form of diet to the patient that is nutritious and easily digestive. Do not let anything happen late in digestion. 
  10. Giving the glucose mix in cow's milk is an indispensable and nutritious diet. 
  11. Do not allow to roam till full rest. Recommend full relaxation. 
  12. Pay spacial attention to the cleaning of physical, residential and clothes etc. 
  13. Wash the bed clothes and pillow cover etc. regularly and dry in the sun.
  14. Arrange this kind of facilities sunlight and pure air coming in the room.
  15. During the time of treatment focus on the patient's diet, drink and urine-stool etc. The amount of details pulse rate, heartbeat, daily temperature etc. must note. 
  16. Make regular gargle with water from alum.

Ayurvedic Patent Treatments:-

  1. Jwarhanta Capsule (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- It is success in every fever. Along with fever, it can also give it to common cold. Give 2-2 capsules three times daily with water. Give 1-1 capsule three times daily to those under 12 years of age. 
  2. Fev Tablet (Satyavati Pharma):- Typhoid, Malaria and normal fever is cured with its use. Give 1-2 tablets 2-3 times daily. 
  3. Fevrex Syrup (Indian Drug House):- It is useful in all kind of fever. Give 5-10 ml 2-3 times daily.
  4. Menol (Charak):- Effective in getting rid of fever. Give 5-5 ml 2-3 times daily.
  5. Dystial Syrup (Indian Drug House):- If there is thin diarrhea with internal fever then give 5-10 ml 2-3 times daily. 
Ayurvedic Classical Treatments:-
  1. Kasturi Bhairav Ras:- Give 1-2 tablets with honey, betel juice or ginger juice every morning and evening. The Typhoid and other related problem will be cured. 
  2. Kastuti Bhushan Ras:- Give 1-2 tablet with ginger juice and honey every morning and evening. It is beneficial in typhoid and influenza.
  3. Mahajwarankush Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet every 6 hours distance with honey. It is very effective medicine for typhoid. 
  4. Anand Bhairav Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet 2-3 times daily with honey and basil leaves juice. For immediate control of fever, give it as an adjutant with other medicine. 
  5. Jwarari Abhr:- Give 1-1 tablet every morning and evening with basil leaves juice and honey. There is not only typhoid cure but all types of fever also cure by its consumption.

Home Remedies:-

  1. The blood cells are expend after giving camphor 125 to 250 mg. which help to sweat comes, fever down and control.
  2. Grind gond into turpentine oil 3 to 10 drops and mix this mixture in sugar juice. It is useful in internal fever and typhoid. 
  3. Give quath of cinnamon 50 to 100 ml 2-3 times daily. Its removes the complaint of acidity. It is also doing the work of antiseptic. 
  4. In typhoid drink the milk and after drink sweet lemon juice. The hotness of the fever and unrest goes away. It can also give with adjuvant with the other medicine.
  5. Drink one glass of water mix 10 gm honey 2-3 times daily. It is useful in internal fever and other related problem. 

What is Migraine or Hemicromia?? How to get rid from it by Ayurvedic home remedies??


As the name implies is clear ' Half head pain' there is pain in the half head. This half part of the head pain patient suffers left side or right side.


  1. Doing too much mental work but do not use nervous system strong effort and also not use yoga. 
  2. This disease also occurs due to urine related disorder. So before starting the treatment, get tested.
  3. Some people suffer from it due to vata disorder and metal disorder. If there are the symptoms of vata and metal disorder then treat it also along with migraine.  
  4. The women's are more suffer than men with these diseases. 
  5. This disease is also may occurs in women's due to menstruation disorder. So take and understand the full knowledge related to menstruation.
  6. Some women's also occurs during pregnancy and some are suffering from this disease after some months of pregnancy. 
  7. Generally, in the old age men and women not suffering from this disease. If they suffer then this case is easily countable. 
  8. In some families this disease occurs in the form of lineage. Comparatively some of these diseases are complex.
  9. Those who live in dirty paces and dirty environments also become victims of this disease.
  10. Due to excessive consumption of against food products in the diet can be the cause of this disease. 
  11. Digestive disorder, lack of nutritious elements in the food, brain diseases, eye related disorders can also cause half head pain. 

Symptoms :-

  1. Along with half of the head, half of the face and one eye also suffer. 
  2. The intensity of the pain increases so much that the patient becomes restless. 
  3. Due to pain patient cannot sleep, it does not eat look good to eat food and the patient starts getting weak every day. 
  4. Occasionally chills, yawning, nausea or vomiting, light or voice, speak up nothing looks good. 
  5. Dizziness in the head, blood deficiency, lack of speaking power etc. there are also signs. 
  6. This pain sometimes gets healed in the middle then sometimes re attack like seizure.
  7. Mostly its time is fixed such as the pain starts at sunrise, the most severe pain in the afternoon and then gradually the pain ends at sunset. In the form of exception only this one hurts at night.
  8. Because it is related to the cyclic motion of the sun therefore its name is also Surya vart. 

General Instructions:-

  1. Find out the root causes of the disease and treat them accordingly.
  2. Remove constipation, lack of hunger, indigestion or other digestive disorders then treat them.
  3. The patient does not have the pain of acidity or gas. Keep this in mind if the patient has it and then treat it. 
  4. Arrange the comfort according to the patient's wishes. Keep the situation in which the patient experiences himself in comfort and peace. 
  5. In the presence of headache, rest patient on the bed in the dark room. 
  6. Soft water or hot water strip kept on the head or keep the hot bundle of mustard under the neck and on the back immediately is beneficial. 
  7. Keep soda water and milk give in between equal distance. 
  8. Tightening the thick strip pf fabric around the head is also comfortable. 
  9. The patient does not any work by insisting on the eyes. Doing this increases a pain. 
  10. Do not give the patient meat, tea, coffee, ghee and oil made items and stimulants. 
  11. Create daily routine of sleeping and waking food at regular times.
  12. Massage with the oil of whole body and bath in sunlight. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatments:-

  1. Gasomukti Syrup (Mukti Pharma):- If there is migraine along with digestive disorder then give 2-2 tea spoons 2 times daily with equal quantity of water. It also comes form of tablet.
  2. Subrabhat Capsule (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- If constipation is accompanied by headaches so giving it with lukewarm water before sleeping at nigh, the stomach will be cleaned in the morning and relief from pain. 
  3. ACDT Tablet (Mukti Pharma):- If there is acidity problem along with migraine so there is beneficial in acidity and migraine by its consumption. Give 1 to 2 tablets 2-3 times daily with lukewarm water. 
  4.  Dardnashak Tablet (Vaidyanath):- Give 1 to 2 tablets 2-3 times daily or as required. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatments:- 

  1. Ashwakanchuki Ras:- Give 1 tablet with nutmeg powder 1 gm every morning and evening with hot water. 
  2. Chandrakant Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet every morning and evening with godanti bhasm, hartal bhasm and honey. 
  3. Navjivan Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet with ginger juice every morning and evening or 1-2 times daily with honey. 
  4. Shadbindu:- This oil drop insert into the nose 4-6 drops 3-4 times daily. It is very effective medicine.
  5. Mahasugandhit Oil:- This oil drop also insert in to the nose 2-3 drops every day. It is also very effective. 

Home Remedies:-

  1. By taking a smell of emetic nut grinned with cow milk in there is profit in the migraines. 
  2. Mix the camphor and rose made oil, insert 2-3 drops in the nose. It is very beneficial in migraine. 
  3. Grind oval leaved cassia seeds into kanji and coating it. This is very effective home remedies for migraine. 
  4. Grind the cascabela thevetia leaves and coating it on forehead. It is beneficial in migraine and very effective.  

What is Low Blood Pressure,Hypotension?? How to cure it by Ayurvedic Treatment??


The blood pressure range in normal condition 125 to 135. Increasing blood pressure from this range called hypertension and lowering called low blood pressure. We already discuss High Blood Pressure in my last Article. Now we discuss about Low Blood Pressure.

Low Blood Pressure


  1. Low blood pressure is cause by physical weakness, lack of nutrients and lack of water in the body. 
  2. Doing more mental work than physical work is the cause of low blood pressure. 
  3. Blood pressure in often low after influenza. 
  4. The more discharge of nutrient things and more discharge of blood is also the reason of low blood pressure. 
  5. Low blood pressure is also happen when the patient in fear, shock etc. in suffering in mental illness. 
  6. The low blood pressure is also happen after or during tuberculosis, High blood pressure, lack of water part from body due to diarrhea.


  1. The patient complaints being head heavy and dizzy. Pulse becomes impaired. 
  2. The patient is surrounding by idleness, sleeplessness and depression.
  3. The patient body becomes lean, weakness day by day and memory loss like symptoms seen. 
  4. Patient not able to work hard if they want to do something then tiredness, heart beat increase and sweat comes on the face. 
  5. The patient feel headache along with Dysfunction. 
  6. In the middle the patient get dizzy and the patient becomes unconscious.
  7. If treat this early stages then it is harmless disease. In early stage the patient feels heavy pain in head and headache. 

General Instruction:- 

  1. Find out the causes of disease and treat it. 
  2. Do not let constipation and unlikeness then give suitable medicines. 
  3. Keep the heart, the lever, the spleen healthy. 
  4. Pay the special attention to cleaning the testiness.
  5. Give special attention to the health formula like morning walk, wake up early, eating at on time, consumption of lukewarm water in morning and drink fresh water daily etc. add to the routine. 
  6. Prefer nutritious and digestible food. 
  7. Get away to the patient to do work hard till situation under control. 
  8. Give the massage to the whole body with mahanarayna oil.
  9. If the patient is unconscious then smell the ammonia for conscious. 
  10. If ammonia is not available then sprinkle the cold water on face and give light massage of palm and sloes of feet. 
  11. Advice to do yoga and exercise according to body capacity and instructor. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatments:-

  1. Energic-31 Capsule (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- Increases the power of each component of the body to make the power stronger. By making the heart, liver etc. healthy, it removes many disease of the body. By making new power, the vitality of the power is successful. Give 1-1 capsule every morning and evening with milk. 
  2. Anaemia Cure Capsule (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- It is very useful blood maker and blood pressure cured medicine. If it give with Energic-31 Capsule every morning and evening then it is more effective. 
  3. Hearto Capsule (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- It increases blood pressure by regularising the functioning of the blood. It gives the hopeful advantage. Give 1 to 2 capsules 2-3 times daily with milk. 
  4. Herbal Tonic Capsule (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- It gives power of each organ by providing power. Give 1-1 capsule every morning and evening with milk. 
  5. Shilajit Capsule (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- It is equally useful for all the women, men, young and old. New life force is transmitted in the body. Increase excitement and exultation in the patient. Relives physical and mental fatigue. Give 1 to 2 capsules every morning and evening with milk empty stomach. There will be hopeful advantage and it is very famous medicine. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatments:-

  1. Agnitundi Vati:- Give 1 to 2 tablet two times daily with lukewarm water. It stimulates the heart and nervous system. By which blood pressure regulates. Slowly turn off as soon as you get the benefit. Do not give for more days. 
  2. Mahamritumjay Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet every morning and evening with ginger juice and honey. It stimulates the heart and increases efficiency. By which blood pressure become normal. 
  3. Hargori Ras:- Give 125 to 150 mg every morning and evening with honey. This increases cardiac efficiency and blood pressure make high. 
  4. Mrgank-Potli Ras:- Give 125 to 250 mg with honey or milk two times daily. It is heart stimulated and power enhancer medicine. It is the best blood circulation and metallurgist. 
  5. Punrnvadi Churna:- Give 3-3 gm every morning and evening with cow urine. It is enough to give twice or daily once in the morning when the disease is high. 

Home Remedies:-

  1. Give the bark of original elements of the Arjun tree 10-10 gm every morning and evening. This makes blood pressure normal. 
  2. In the iron vessel it is beneficial to give roasted asafetida with ghee. It does not fear to have low blood pressure. 
  3. Take black gram 25 gm and cumin 25 grains and soak in the water every night. After cleaning the mouth in the morning and retiring in daily action, eat gram as well as cumin and drink the water also brings a miraculous benefit. 
  4. Give red colour leadwort 65 to 250 gm every morning and evening. By taking it blood pressure not down. Use best quality honey also. 
  5. Give fenugreek powder 5 to 10 gm with jaggery two times daily. By taking it blood pressure gets normal.

What is High blood pressure, Hypertension?? How to get rid from it by Ayurveda??


In normal condition, blood pressure ranges from 125 to 135 but in high blood pressure, blood pressure can increase to 150 to 300. This type of increased blood pressure is considered abnormal.

Hypertension/High blood pressure is dangers


  1. Not clean teeth properly, as a result the pus comes from the teeth root and gums. Such patient has high blood pressure. 
  2. Contaminated throat gland, bile duct related chronic diseases is also the cause of high blood pressure. 
  3. More mental work instead of physical work, negligence of digestive disorder is cause of this disease.
  4. Digestive disorder, liver enlargement, constipation, irregular and unrestrained food etc. also the cause of high blood pressure. 
  5. High intake of stimulants like drinking alcohol also increases blood pressure. 
  6. Smoking, unrestrained sexual intercourse, increase stiffness or flexibility of the veins due to increase age also increases blood pressure. 
  7. Urinary problems, diabetics, obesity, gout, heart related disorder etc. is also increase blood pressure. 
  8. Generally, those who are of comfort nature or those who are do more mental physical work. They are more victims of this. 
  9. Those who consume more tea, coffee, sour things, salt etc. They are more often more afflicted with this disease. 
  10. Unrestrained food are also invite this disease.


  1. There is acute headache that is both side front and back equally. 
  2. Dizziness in the head and you get to know the heaviness in head. 
  3. Continuous laziness, no desire to do physical and normal work. 
  4. If the patient do little physical work then the heart beat increase and the patient sit down. 
  5. Sometimes breath comes from pain like Asthma and the patient feel the breathing will stop. 
  6. Do not sleep at night, frequently eyes open when sleeping after that sleep not comes again sometimes. 
  7. There is irritability in patient nature which causes frequent rage to the patient and start to burn in anger little things. 
  8. If in the patient anger condition of hypertension not treated he/she as soon as possible then there is brain hemorrhagic and patient becomes victim of Paralysis also.  

General Instructions:-

  1. Do not let the patient suffer constipation.
  2. If there is constipation problem to the patient then treat it as long as it not is cured. 
  3. Special attention on teeth, gums and intestines. Keep its clean. If it is clean then disease under control. 
  4. If there is urinary disorder or liver disorder then treated it. 
  5. If the patient is already suffering from mental disorder, anger, shock or unsuccessful etc. the according to situation try to console. 
  6. Advice to live a comfortable life and read entertainment books, watch comedy films etc. 
  7. Advice to wash the foot and hand every night before sleep also focuses on favorable and unfavorable things.                                                                                Favorable things: Vegetables, raw milk, fruit, alkaline diet, ripe papaya, vine, date, crown, resin, lava of milk or rice, honey etc.                                 Unfavorable things: Protein, carbohydrate and acidic diet, meat, fish, egg, tobacco, tea, coffee, new wheat chapatti, sugar, spice etc. 
  8. Avoid Sodium chloride (salt) as for as possible. It is beneficial. 
  9. Must keep fast one day a week and after fast for two days not eat food only drink juice and water. 
  10. The Patient keeps away from mental and physical work. 
  11. Give oil massage on the palate of the patient feet with mahanayarna oil. Advice to sleep at least 6 hours a day. 
  12. Advice to drink water enough quantity. The contaminated things also remove with it. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatments:- 

  1. Hearto Capsule (Ayurvedic Vikas Sansthan):- It control hypertension as well as heart disease, heart pain, cholesterol, stomach gas / stomach gas pain etc. Give 2-2 capsules 2-3 times daily. 
  2. Sankhpushpi Syrup (Mukti Pharma):- It is beneficial in lack of memory, mental weakness, mental stress, sleeplessness and hypertension. Give 2-2 tea spoons 2 times daily.
  3. Strex Capsule (Ayurved Vikas Sansthan):- Give 2-2 capsules 2-3 times daily are beneficial in high blood pressure and other heart related problems. 
  4. Hipnotention Tablet (Zhandu):- Give 1 to 2 tablets 2-3 times daily with water or milk. It is good and effective medicine. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatments:- 

  1. Chandrkala Ras:- Give 1 to 2 tablets with cold water 2-3 times daily. It is beneficial in hypertension which is increase by pitta disorder. Along with this motipishti is also beneficial in this. 
  2. Suwarn Samirpanng Ras:- Give 125 mg every morning and evening with honey its help to gets benefit in Hypertension. 
  3. Baalchandra Ras:- Give 125 gm 3-4 times daily with sugar candy and honey. It is very useful in hypertension. 
  4. Sarpgandha Churan:- Give 1-1 gm with rose extract every morning and evening. It is beneficial in hypertension and it also beneficial for all related complications. 
  5. Sarpgandhadhan Vati:- Give 1-1 tablet 2-3 times daily with milk. Its remove mental stress and beneficial in hypertension. 

Home Remedies:-

  1. Give sarpagandha root powder 1 gm every night before sleep with milk. It gives a miraculous advantage. 
  2. Give gamboges 30 to 60 gm. It's cleaned the stomach, body make light and blood pressure also decrease. 
  3. Honey mixed with a few drops of lemon juice in syrup, it is useful to drink empty stomach every morning and evening. 
  4. Give Powder of bark of peepal 1-1 tea spoon mixed with honey every morning and evening is beneficial. 
  5. Give ripe banana when empty stomach in hypertension every morning and evening. 

What is Jaundice?? How to get rid from it by Ayurveda??


The urine comes yellow in jaundice. The white part of the eyes becomes yellow. In the jaundice is become dangers/high level then patient white clothe change into yellow color.

Jaundice is dangers


  1. This disease is occurs due to problem in bile process which is the main cause is liver enlargement.
  2. If in the other disease the gall vessel tube becomes narrow and stool does not come freely then it is the cause of jaundice. 
  3. The bile proper is not process properly due to bile stone in gall vessel tube which is the cause of jaundice. 
  4. Reason is whatever of stool not discharge but the stool goes direct into blood cells instead of intestines. By which there yellow color clearly visible in white parts of eyes, face, urine etc.
  5. The lack of nutritious diet and digestive disorder is also the cause of this disease.
  6. More bleeding, hemorrhagic, malaria is occurs for more days and more semen destroyed is also the cause of jaundice. 
  7. The person be deprived of more days in open air and sun light is also the cause of jaundice. 
  8. This possibility of jaundice increases due to mourning, fear, shock, mental disturbance, tension, anger etc. because of that the stool is also increase.
  9. According to the medical science this disease cause is virus 'A'. Its infection only in humans. 


  1. The patient eyes and face become yellow. Urine also comes yellow. 
  2. The taste of the mouth becomes bitter. The layer of the dirt is clearly visible on the tongue. 
  3. Hungers feel less and pulse becomes impaired. There are the symptoms of itching, abdominal pain, vomiting etc. 
  4. The patient feels lethargy all the time and patient breathe comes fast as normal breathe. 
  5. There is some other symptoms also visible like sleeplessness, fear, weakness due to disease progression. 
  6. If the disease not treated on the time so all the body comes swelling. 
  7. Bleeding from the skin and mucous membranes.

General Instructions:-

  1. Firstly, free the patient from Constipation. If there is Constipation, give immediate an enema or cremation and clean the stomach. 
  2. There is no Constipation in the future, for this give mild purgative less quantity daily until full benefit.
  3. If due to the heat of the liver or taking heated substance this disease happened then give the sweet pomegranate juice and watermelon juice mixture 60 ml every morning and evening. 
  4. Give mandur bhasm 250 to 500 mg with honey two times daily and after that give 15 to 30 ml Rohitkarishta with equal quantity of water. 
  5. Take smell the powder of bitter tobacco the Jaundice will be cured soon. 
  6. Consumption the cow urine daily is beneficial in Jaundice. Give 5 to 30 ml according to patient disease or age.
  7. Give barley, wheat and gram chapati daily in main diet. Curd and rice is also beneficial in jaundice. 
  8. Oatmeal, boiled old rice, kedgeree, green vegetables etc. is beneficial. 
  9. Do not give stodgy food. The patient avoid meat, fish, egg, garam masala, Ghee-oil, chili, sweets, kachori, fried-roast sour food etc. the patient is cure then also keep distance for 2-4 weeks.
  10. Give cow's milk and whey exclusively.
  11. Regularly give the water.
  12. Give the advise to avoid sour things, urad daal, jeggry, fine flour etc.
  13. Give the advise to full rest when full benefits. Do not allow mental and physical exertion. 
  14. Give to the patient as likeness raw guillars, sago, pomegranate, orange etc.
  15. If there is fever along with jaundice then give light and easily digestive food. 
  16. If the patient not cures after the treatment then immediately send the patient to hospital. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatment:-

  1. Livexon Capsules (Ayurveda Vikas Sasnthan):- Regulates the action of the liver. By which the diarrhea of the bile occurs naturally and the patient will be cured from jaundice. Give 1-1 capsule 3 times daily. 
  2. Liver Ton Syrup (Mahadev Healthcare):- All kinds of kidney or liver disorder will be cured by its consumption. Since the jaundice is also the disease of liver so it defiantly cured.
  3. Liver Hep Syrup (Satyavati Pharma):- It is provides liver reborn. Liver pain, liver enlargement, obstruction of the gall vessel tube etc. all disease will be cured. The jaundice is also cured. Give 5 to 10 ml 2 times daily. 
  4. Livomukti Syrup (Mukti Pharma):- It is beneficial in liver function disorder. jaundice etc. all related disease. Give 5 to 10 ml 2-3 times daily. 
  5. Suprabhat Capsule (Ayurvedic Vikas Sasthan):- If there is constipation in jaundice think it deadly. If there is constipation, in the jaundice does not benefit from any medicine. So cure the constipation first. This capsule is beneficial for this work. Give 1 to 2 capsules at night before sleep with water until the full benefit from jaundice. Give it on a day or third day for which is no constipation.

Ayurvedic Classical Treatment:-

  1. Mix loha bhasma 250 mg, Abhrak bhasma 125 gm and kutki churna 1 gm. Give 2-3 times daily with honey is beneficial in jaundice.
  2. Give kutki quath 25 ml or kutki powder 3 gm and makardhwaj 60 mg every morning and evening with honey or old jaggery. 
  3. Kamlahar Ras:- Give 1 gm daily three times with whey without butter. It is beneficial in all types of abdominal diseases.
  4. Navratan Raj Mrigank Ras:- Give 1/2 to 1 tablet with loha bhasma every morning and evening. It is beneficial. 
  5. Agnimukh mandoor:- Give 1-1 tablet with honey and ghee. It is beneficial in jaundice. 

Home Remedies:-

  1. Mix alum powder 6 gm, sugar candy powder 100, curd 100 gm and water 100 ml. and give this mixture to the patient. Give it every morning empty stomach. If the disease is progressive then give it every morning and evening. 
  2. The jaundice will be cure by consumption of amla powder 3 to 10 gm every morning and evening. Its become more effective with give loha bhasma.
  3. Grind the safflower flowers and give 4-4 gm with triphala quath every morning and evening. It is beneficial in jaundice. 
  4. Give vine leaves juice 50-50 ml with black pepper every morning and evening. 
  5. Give giloy juice 50-50 ml with honey 3 times daily is beneficial in jaundice. 
Note:- If the patient looks all the things yellow in jaundice. Do not take treatment in hand and send him/her to the hospital 

What is Constipation? How to get rid form it by Ayurveic Home Remedies??


Naturally abscess of bowel movements in the morning is called constipation. If someone gets used to going to the toilet only once then call it partial constipation. To maintains body health. Prevention of constipation is necessary otherwise; it becomes a complex disease from ordinary constipation.



  1. The reason is whatever, the amount of stool decreases when the patient decreases the amount of diet. Finally constipation occurs. 
  2. Constipation occurs when any types of fever, colds, pancreatic disease, pulse impairment etc.
  3. Do not work hard or do not exercise, sitting in the work all the day for long time are also the main cause of constipation. 
  4. Consumption of tea, coffee etc. and night awakening also the cause of constipation. 
  5. Intake of narcotics, mental disorder, mourning, shock, fear etc. is also the cause of indigestion and constipation. 
  6. Digestive disorder weak in old age, liver weakness and gas diet is also the cause of constipation. 
  7. There are high constipation symptoms seen in adult age or old age. 


  1. The patient's stool is not clean. Due to stool not come easily after the cleansing of stool there is no natural happiness which can be found the patient.
  2. Stool is dry and in small quantity. 
  3. There is do not feel hungry, sweet pain in the stomach and heaviness in stomach. 
  4. There is the pain in the whole body and there is heaviness of head. 
  5. The layer of scum on the tongue is frozen.
  6. The taste of the mouth gets worse. Face looks unattractive. 
  7. Sometimes there is the smell in the mouth. There are also symptoms occurs vomiting and acidity. 
  8. There is many disease also occurs with constipation like headache, waist pain/backache, some time fever, laziness, lethargy, sleeplessness and many types of digestive disorders. 
  9. The patient is become the victim of piles and sciatica due to constipation not treated at the time. 
  10. If the patient suffer from this disease for long time then the patient is gets old age soon. health cannot enjoy life with pleasure.

General Instructions:- 

  1. Find out the root cause of the disease and treated accordingly.
  2. If the disease is new, then only diet and routine changes. Keep distance to medicines.
  3. Follow the rules of health. As soon as you wake up in the morning consume the water every morning and evening that is store in copper pot. Jogging in open air, eat more fruits and flowers than food. 
  4. It is necessary to exercise, sleep, and go to stool and taking diet at certain times. 
  5. Avoid patient by pressuring downward pressure during toilet.
  6. Drink plenty of cold water during the daytime. 
  7. Eat musk melon, mango, grapes, orange, guava, papaya, honey, milk, butter, lemon, raisins, crown, date, fig, suran etc. in food. Benefit from its consumption.
  8. Taking chapati of gram four and wheat flour equal quantity in food is beneficial. 
  9. Using olive oil as edible oil in beneficial for health. 
  10. Give as need light preservation one time a week. It's harmful to take preservation over and over. 
  11. If there is constipation in a fever then do not give medicine of anti constipation. If is very critical situation then glycerin suppository give in buttock path. 
  12. The patient ripe banana eaten. Guava seeds not eat at the time of eating guava otherwise there is inflammatory problem occurs in mucous membrane. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatment:-

  1. Sahaj Churna (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- It is useful in removing all kinds of troubles appear from new or old constipation and constipation. The stool comes freely from its consumption. It is useful in stomach burns, heavy eye, headache etc. Give 3 to 5 gm with lukewarm water before sleep. 
  2. Suprabhat Capsule (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- It is very beneficial anti constipation. Taking it at night the stomach becomes cleansed in the morning. 
  3. Hepa-80 Drops (Indian Drug House):- It is beneficial in children constipation. By fixing all digestive disorders regulates the intestines. Give 20 to 30 drops 2-3 times daily. 
  4. Virechni (Vaidyanath):- One tablet is sufficient. Give in the morning with water when stomach is empty. The stool will come after 2 to 3 hours. Give the hot water to the patient after the stomach cleansed. Give boil rice and curd. Do not give this medicine to the children. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatment:-

  1. Triphala Churna:- Give 3 to 10 gm with hot water daily before sleep. It is very effective Ayurvedic medicine. 
  2. Rechak Vati:- Give 1 tablet with hot water or milk. Stool comes in the morning 1-2 times. 
  3. Panchsakakar Churna:- Give 3 to 6 gm independently or with lavanbhaskar churna 4 gm with hot water is beneficial. Give it daily before sleep. It is very effective and beneficial. 
  4. Madhur Vicheran Churna:- Give 3 to 6 gm with hot water every morning and evening. The abdominal will cleansed by its consumption. 
  5. Triphalarishta:- Give 15-30 ml with mixed equal quantity of water two times daily after the meal. There will be many other benefits as well as prevention of constipation. 

Home Remedies:-

  1. Give gulkand 25 to 50 gm with hot milk daily before sleep. It is beneficial for consumption regularly. 
  2. Mix the big mystic powder into black salt. Give 3 to 5 gm every morning and evening. After the patient feel good then give every night before sleep only.
  3. Raw fennel chew suck and drink the extract of fennel the constipation will be cured. 
  4. Mix black salt into snay leaves powder. Give 3 to 5 gm every night before sleep. The stomach is cleaned in the morning. This is anti constipation as well as many abdominal disease medicines.
  5. Make a powder of kutki and sugar candy. Give 3 gm every morning and evening with fresh water. Its result miraculous. 


What is Diarrhea? How to cure it by Ayurvedic Home Remedies?


Due to routine disturbance (Food-Drink) digestive disorder happen. As a result, thin Diarrhea uncooked diet comes.

Diarrhea is very terribleness
Diarrhea is very terribleness 


  1. Consumption of foods and drinks that are not suitable for the body or using contaminated water is the main reason.
  2. Changes in intestinal withdrawal capacity also cause diarrhea.
  3. Diarrhea can be deformed as gas in the stomach, lack of appetite or indigestion etc. 
  4. Sometimes intestinal worm is cause for constipation or diarrhea. 
  5. When the liver becomes digestive disorder the there is lack of digestive capacity which is also cause of diarrhea. 
  6. Due to purgative medicine diarrhea may also get like diarrhea.
  7. Mourning, shock, anxiety, fears etc. with this mental disorder. There are also symptoms of diarrhoea.


  1. There is slight pain in the patient's stomach before having diarrhea. 
  2. Thin diarrhea comes like water gun. Slowly the patient becomes weak. The tongue becomes dry and the eyes become yellow. The eyes turn towards the inside. 
  3. When the patient press the stomach then there is pain occurs. 
  4. The patient energies and cleverness are finished. There is continuously lethargic keep remain. 
  5. By not taking timely treatment weight is also reduced. The patient is weak every day. 
  6. There is continuously knuckle in stomach, thirsty, dislike and vomiting occurs.
  7.  Medical treatment gets success quickly. Therefore, it should be considered as cure disease. 

General Instruction:- 

  1. In the first stage of the disease combine castor oil 10 to 20 gm in milk give to the patient before sleeping at night. This cleanses the cell.
  2. Give the chhena water in the new disease and do not give any diet. 
  3. If the disease is older then give less quantity of digestible and nutritious diet. 
  4. If there is a smell like rottenness in the stool then do not give carbohydrate diet like potato, sweet potato etc. 
  5. As far as possible, save the patient from mourning, anxiety, shock, fear, mental disturbance, etc. 
  6. Avoid all kind of sourness (Lemon, Mango, Curd, Tamarind etc.) apart from amla and tomatoes.
  7. If the disease is new then give in diet like arrowroot, barley, sago to the patient. Give the non seeds pomegranate juice or orange juice. Do not give milk. 
  8. In the old diarrhea give boil rice with lentil pulses water or give the lentil pulses water, sago, barley water etc. 
  9. Soak the cloth in hot water and wipe the body and that soak cloth in hot water put on the stomach after squeezing. It is beneficial. 
  10. In the other time knot the falalen cloth on the belly that is soak, squeezing already hot water.
  11. It is healthful to walking every morning and evening to the patient as well as every person. 
  12. Take aegle marmelos pulp and boil into the water after that cold it and give to the patient. It is very effective in diarrhea. 
  13. Take isabgol seeds and boil into the water and filter it. Give this liquid little quantity 3 times daily. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatment:-

  1. Livexon Capsule (Ayurvedic Vikas Sasthan):- It is improve the liver function and the cure of digestion gets relief from diarrhea. Give 1-1 capsule 3 times daily. 
  2. Entodestrol Tablet (Mahadev Healthcare):- It is beneficial in all kinds of diarrhea. It is decrease the number of diarrhea is beneficial in getting relief from disease. Give 1-2 tablets 2 times daily. 
  3. ACDT Tablet (Mukti Pharma):- It is very good medicine for gas, digestive disorder, acidity, The digestive system gets healthier by consuming it and there is no complaint of diarrhea in the patient. Give 1-2 tablets 2 times daily. 
  4. Dystal Syrup (Indian Drug House):- It is beneficial is all kinds of diarrhea like old or new, digestive disorder, gas, acidity, vomiting etc. Give 5 to 10 ml 2 times daily.

Ayurvedic Classical Treatment:- 

  1. Agasti Sutraaj Ras:- Give 1 to 2 tablet with trikoot powder and honey every morning and evening. If diarrhea occurs with pain, it will benefit. Give the patient in heavy occurs three times daily. 
  2. Ashwakachunki Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet every morning and evening with water. It is beneficial in all types of diarrhea.
  3. Kanak Sundar Ras:- Give 1 to 2 tablet with water or fennel extract. It is beneficial in all types of diarrhea. 
  4. Trelokye Vijaya Vati:- Give 1-1 tablet with honey every morning and evening. Consume it daily diarrhea gets cured. 
  5. Dhanyepanchkarishta:- Give 20 to 30 ml with fennel extract 50 ml 3 times daily. It is beneficial in diarrhea. 

Home Remedies:- 

  1. Grind the equal quantity to the combination of resin and sugar candy and make powder. Give 3-3 gm with water thrice daily. It is beneficial in diarrhea. 
  2. Give the diarrhea patient bauhinia variegata vegitable to eat. It is reducing the diarrhea. 
  3. Grind the equal quantity of mango seeds and blackberry seeds and make powder. Give 10 gm to the patient and drinking whey from above will benefit in diarrhea.
  4. Give atees powder 3 gm with honey every morning and evening is beneficial in all kinds of diarrhea. 
  5. Make a quath of mango seeds and trifala seeds. Give 50 to 80 ml 2-3 times daily. It is beneficial in diarrhea. 

Everyone knows about Acidity. How to cure it by Ayurvedic Home Remedies?


There is three flaws situated in the body Vata. Pitta and Kapha. Those who become enraged disorder become related to them. When the pitta becomes enraged and the growth of acid juice in the abdominal then it becomes Acidity. In this way we can say that this disease is not free rather it is a symptom of other disease or other diseases. There is frequent sour dirt in it. It is indicative the growth of acid and pitta. Frequent watering in the mouth and irritation in the chest is main symptoms of Acidity.

Acidity is the cause of many diseases


  1. The main cause of this disease to the digestive system.
  2. This disease is occurs eating old food, uncooked and high intake of food instead of easily digestive and nutritious diet. 
  3. From the point of the view of the health food should be eaten must be peacefully. Standing and roaming around the food is considered to be according to today's civilisation. Acid diseases such as caused by it. 
  4. By consuming more quantity of carbohydrate food, the components of the digestive system have to work harder than the capacity. Still do not know properly digested food. As a result Acid related disease occurs.
  5. Some people like to eat half cooked meat. Such people are more likely to suffer from Acidity. Because the digestive organ has to dilate additional diligence and more digestive tract.  
  6. To swallow the food without chewing, overdose of food and take food repeated is also the main cause of this disease. 
  7. Eating more acidic stimulants and eating lubricating and eating lubricating food will result the Acidity. 
  8. If there is more secretion of hydrochloric acid in abdominal then this is the symptoms of Acidity. 


  1. After 1-2 hours of food, chest burns, pain and irritation. 
  2. If the patient takes sodium bi carbonate then they feel relief for sometimes. 
  3. If hunger is well then also the sour duck is came. 
  4. Sometimes the sour duck comes so that water in mouth is filled. The taste of this water is sour by which the taste of mouth also worsens. 
  5. Along with the sour duck there is also comes undigested food in the mouth. 
  6. Diarrhea sometimes comes along with the above symptoms which contains partial and non-partial digested substances. 
  7. The patient gradually decreases physically and mentally. 
  8. When the disease is old then there is abdominal related pain or disease occurs whose severeness is sometimes restless at night. 
  9.  If the patient follows the rule and treats the disease then the disease is cure soon or easily.

General Instructions:-

  1. Give the special attention on diet. The patient also gives the special attention on teeth and intestine. Because the dirt of the teeth goes into the abdomen and causes many abdominal diseases. In which acidity is also a disease. 
  2. Fine flour, Meat, Chili, Wine etc. do not take in diet. 
  3. Do not take any sour except myrobalan and pomegranate. The patient does not eat sour curd also.
  4. Avoid the potato in diet, highly intake food, more brown sugar things and sweets etc.
  5. In the beginning stage of this disease give egg, fish, milk, cheese and protein rich food in diet. 
  6. After the treatment according to the patient health also give the butter, ghee and other lubricant things in diet.
  7. Early morning eat egg, after sometime take light breakfast, afternoon take milk, third afternoon take butter toast and evening take light dinner in your schedule and follow this routine. 
  8. Give the Diluc Hydrochloric acid 20-20 drops mixed into the water 1/2 to 1 tea spoon after meal and give sodium bi carbonate mixed into water. Do not give the quantity of sodium bi carbonate more than 20 gm.
  9. Give the lime water 10 ml after the meal. 
  10. Give 10-15 drops of ginger juice daily before meal is beneficial. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatment:- 

  1. ACDT Tablet (Mukti Pharma):- It calms the outbreaks of bile to suppress the secretion of bile. It is very good medicine for calcium. Give 2-2 tablets three times daily with water after meal. 
  2. Gastron Churan (Ayurvedic Vikas Sasthan):- It is very tasty and dig-ester. It is beneficial in Acidity. Sour duck will be stopped by consuming it. Give 2-2 gm every morning and evening. 
  3. Great Enzyme Syrup (Mahadev Healthcare):- Give it continuously loss of appetite, indigestion, afara etc. diseases will be cured. Give 2-2 tea spoons 2-3 times daily. 
  4. Gas Cure Tablet (Ayurvedic Healthcare):- Stomach air, gas, secretion, constipation, acid bile, sour stomach, etc. are removed by its intake. Give 1-2 tablets with water 2-3 times daily.
  5. Acid Free Syrup (Satyavati Pharma):- It consumes continuously stomach acid and gas removed from it. Give 5-10 ml 2-3 times daily after meal. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatment:- 

  1. Agni Sandipan Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet with water every morning and evening is beneficial in Acidity, sour stomach, indigestion, loss of appetite, gas etc. 
  2. Kamdudha Ras:- Give 250 gm with cumin powder and sugar candy every morning and evening. By consuming it gas, acidity, indigestion will be cured.
  3. Leelavilas Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet with honey or raw milk water every morning and evening. By consuming it acid and pitta diseases will be cure. 
  4. Naarikel Khand Paak:- Give 10 to 20 gm with milk or water every morning and evening.
  5. Hritki Khand:- Give 6 to 10 gm with lukewarm milk or lukewarm water every morning and pain is also cure.

Home Remedies:-

  1. Make the quath of patol, bark of neem and adusa leaves and give it every morning and evening to the patient. It is beneficial in acidity. 
  2. Give amla powder mix with honey every morning and evening. it is beneficial in acidity and many digestive related diseases. 
  3. If there is not constipation then acidity is not possible to occur. So give the castor oil 5 ml with milk every night before sleep for constipation cure. 
  4. Give ripe banana to the patient to eat and give one glass milk. By consuming it daily the acidity attack will be cure.

What is Gout?? How to cure it by Ayurvedic Home Remedies??


If this disease fever occurs then it is called rheumatic fever. It fever is also called Gout fever. Some patients have no any symptoms of his fever as always. If there is heart disorder along with gout then the situation becomes serious. Medical treatment is important in special care.

Gout is very dangers disease


  1. This types of disease occurs due to digestion and metabolism does not work properly. 
  2. Generally, due to lack of digestion of proteins found in food, the amount of uric acid increases. 
  3. Sodium bicarbonate begins to gather on bone site. Due to this sodium bicarbonate joints have pain, fever and swelling.
  4. Some peoples suffer only big joints (Waist, Knee) and some people suffer small joints.
  5. There are many patients in whom this disease occurs in the form of inherited disease. Thus, 70% patients suffer from pain.
  6. Some patients suffer from this disease after syphilis and gonorrhoea. 
  7. The male person more suffers from this disease than females. 
  8. Generally, people suffer from this disease during between the age of 15 to 35 year. If the disease is inherited then disease may occurs in childhood. 
  9. Mostly old person is becomes victim of this disease.
  10. Unfavourable food and Vata disorder food and drinks are also the cause of this disease.  


  1. Before the disease starts, the patient feels stress, mental anxiety, restlessness and insomnia. 
  2. The pain occurs in the root of the thumb. Body temperature goes up 104° to 105°.
  3. Pain, inflammation and swelling in the bones along with the fever. 
  4. Gradually the pain increases so much that is difficult for the patient to walk.
  5. There is distortion along with joint swelling. The body organs turns. 
  6. The patient is helpless to lame or walk through the stick.
  7. The skin of the suffering sites explodes and the discharge emerges. 
  8. Sodium bi uretas accumulation occurs in the lumps and the above problems are increase.
  9. Due to consuming the painkiller kidney and liver related disease occurs.
  10. The patient suffers from abdominal and digestive disorders.
  11. In the bones of sodium bi ureates. It took year to remove such a setting.
  12. The disease related with kidney and liver become very painful day by day. 
  13. In addition of these sufferings, skin disorder and urticaria etc also occurs.
  14. Vata vascular disorder occurs regular like headache, knee pain, waist pain etc.
  15. If the disease become old then there is heart related problem occurs along with this disease. Breathing problem, asthma etc. symptoms appears.
  16. Sometime heart beat increase and pain also increase.

General Instruction:-

  1. If you have digestive disorder related problem then cure it.
  2. You have gas problem or constipation then cure it.
  3. Give the diet easily digestive and nutritious. The gas related diet and drink is prohibited.
  4. If the patient is non vegetarian then do not give it. Give the diet only pure vegetarian food and drink. 
  5. If well or waterfall is available then give the water only that place. 
  6. If the fever occurs then give the fruit and milk. 
  7. Clean the patient abdominal one time in the weak. 
  8. If there is bone pain and fever is both the same time then treated both. 
  9. If the patient occurs from pneumonia or other disease then treated it. Whether it is an independent disease or prefix disease. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatment:- 

  1. Energic-31 Massage oil (Ayurvedic Vikas Sasthan):- Give the massage on suffering joint 2 times daily. It is beneficial in all types of pain.
  2. Sahaj churna (Ayurvedic Vikas Sasthan):- Give 3 to 5 gm with lukewarm water before going to sleep at night. By consuming it, all type of heaviness, constipation, dis likeness and Gout will be cured.
  3. B-Cleaner Tablet (Mahadev Healthcare):- It is very good blood purifier. Gout is a blood disorder. So by consuming it daily is beneficial to health. Give 1-2 tablets with milk or water 23 times daily. The syrup is also in market of this company. Give 1-3 tea spoons two times daily with equal quantity of water. 
  4. Reyumoksil Capsule (Dharmani):- Give 1-2 capsules every two times daily with water or milk. It is beneficial in all types of pain.

Ayurvedic Classical Treatment:- 

  1. Vidangadi Loh:- Give to the patient according to their physical capacity 125 to 250 mg with triphala quath 2 times daily. It is beneficial in Gout and all types of pain. 
  2. Mahayograj Guggul:- Give 1 to 2 tablet every morning and evening with maharasnadi quath. It is very effective medicine in Gout. 
  3. Hinguleshwar Ras:- Give 65 to 125 mg with honey and milk two times daily. 
  4. Ashwagandha Ghee:- Give 3-6 gm with milk 3 times daily is beneficial.
  5. Mahavaat Vidhvansan Ras:- Give 1-2 tablets with honey and ginger juice every morning and evening. It is very effective medicine. 

Home Remedies:- 

  1. Give the quath of usba and chobchini 50 to 100 ml 2 times daily. 
  2. Grind mundi and dry ginger equal quantity and filter with cloth. Give it 3-5 gm every morning and evening with lukewarm water. 
  3. In the suffer area for the pain take the equal quantity of camphor, piper mint and laudanum mix in it mustard oil or turpentine oil equal quantity and give the massage in particular area which is pain/suffer 2-3 times daily. It is beneficial.
  4. Give terminalia chubela powder 2-3 with castor oil every night before sleep and after drink milk is beneficial in Gout. 
  5. Mix the equal quantity of turpentine oil, mustard oil and kerosene oil and massage with this mixture on suffer area it is beneficial. 

What is Arthritis?? How to get rid form Arthritis by Ayurvedic Home Remedies??


In the place of joining the two bones with each other, certain indicate inflammation, pain, swelling etc. towards this disease. This can sometimes cause one or several joints to suffer simultaneously. Well it can happen at any age. Due to dysentery, it can happen in childhood. But especially in the beginning of adulthood and old age the outbreak is greater. 

Arthritis is very painful

Cause:- According to the discovery, there is no reason to concentrate on any one concrete reason. One reason has not been accepted with consent. However, those who have been deemed to be general reasons by different practitioners are as follows.

  1. If one of the parents is inclined form this disease, then the probability of this disease increases even in the offspring. 
  2. According to Ayurveda, due to distortions of vata defect, disease is caused. Modern physicians consider the disease as the cause of calcium deficiency or increased uric acid. 
  3. Those who suffer from frequent gas and constipation then it becomes inclined from this terrible pain. 
  4. Those who do not physical work or exercise and according to the health formula do not imitate the routine; still they become inclined form this. 
  5. Lack of substance can be gradually invented form the main place in the diet. 


  1. The inflammation, swelling and pain of the posture in suffering area are clearly visible. 
  2. Due to pain, the suffering area becomes does not move. There is a lot of pain in moving. 
  3. Although any bone of the body can be suffer which is waist, elbow, arms and ankle are suffers first. 
  4. By not making medical arrangements at the time, the small bones also suffer.
  5. In blood tests ECR is higher. The distortions of bones in X-rays can be clearly seen. 
  6. The sounds of cramp and thunder in bones can be seen and heard. 
  7. When the bones of the hip are also inclined and the pain grows down to thighs then Sciatica becomes suspicious. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatment:-

  1. Jointax Capsule (Ayurvedic Vikas Sasthan):- It removes the inflammation, swelling and pain as well as fever also cures by consuming it. Pain cure and fever goes away. Give 2-2 capsules 3 times daily with lukewarm water.
  2. Arthomukti oil (Mukti Pharma):- Give massage to suffering area 2 times daily. The cause is anything of the pain. It is beneficial to use.
  3. Hararat Tablet (Mukti Pharma):- It is beneficial in all types of pain and fever. So this is useful in all types of joint pain and inflammation. 
  4. Asthi Plus Syrup (Indian Drug House):- Give 5 to 10 ml 3 times daily according to physician. It is useful in vata fever and bones pain. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatment:- 

  1. Ashvkanchuki Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet with quath of kuth every morning and evening. 
  2. Mahavat Vidhvansan Ras:- Give 1-2 tablets with ginger juice and honey every morning and evening. It is beneficial in Arthritis. 
  3. Vatari Ras:- Give 1-2 tablets with hot water or dry ginger or castor oil quath two times daily. It is beneficial in Arthritis. 
  4. Tryodshang Guggul:- Give 2-4 tablets with punarnvadi quath every morning and evening. By consuming it inflammation, pain and swelling will be cured.  

Home Remedies:-

  1. Give haritki churan 2 to 4 gm with ghee every morning and evening is beneficial in Arthritis. 
  2. Give dry ginger juice every night before sleep. It is beneficial in Arthritis. 
  3. Grind the celery with wine and make a paste. After that apply this paste on suffering area. The Arthritis will be cured soon. 
  4. Massage with coriander and mustard oil. It is beneficial in Arthritis. 
  5. Massage with black pepper and mustard oil. It is beneficial in Arthritis. 

What is Paralysis/Hemiplegia? How get cure it by Ayurvedic Home Remedies?


In this disease, the patient suddenly becomes intrusive. The right or left side of the body becomes intense which is called Paralysis/Hemiplegia. The hands and feet of that part are motionless. The patient is unable to work according to his wishes.

Paralysis attacks


  1. The main reason of that high blood pressure in which blood pressure increases on the micro-cells of the brain. As a result of being fragile, the wall explodes. The brain gets bleeding in the brain. If it is subtle then only the symptoms of paralysis are visible. If some thick blood vessel bursts occur. Then becomes unconscious. If a high fat blood vessel explodes then there is an event like death. 
  2. If there is bleeding between the brain left side then the paralysis is right in the leg-hands. If left then right sided hand and legs become paralysed. 
  3. Diabetic patients may also have paralysis in the last stage. 
  4. In diabetic patients this possibility remains in the middle of this disease. Not only this, some patients become overwhelmed by it too. 
  5. This is the type of vata disease. Therefore a vata patient can be victim of this disease.
  6. This disease is also caused by the side effects of infirmities.
  7. Patients of epilepsy or hysteria can also be hunted after a seizure. 
  8. Patients with heart disease may also become victim in the disease. 
  9. If in the brain injury bleeding brain storm happen Paralysis. 
  10. Due to excessive intake of medicines containing pulse based medicines this disease occurs.
  11. The inflammation of brain's dermatitis and the spinal cord also invite this disease. 


  1. There is acute pain in the head before disease attack on head and at the same time there is stiffness in the neck. Many patients experience that there is some jump experience in the silky blood vessel. In fact it is a symptom of an increased stain of blood. 
  2. The patient becomes unconscious by falling with acute headache. Sometimes a vomiting occurs in the state of unconsciousness. 
  3. When the patient comes to senses, then he realises that he lost the control in half part of the body. 
  4. The voice also goes vague. Not only the hand or leg but the head half part also becomes the victim of this disease which is half of the face and tongue suffers from paralysis. 
  5. Generally is a minor benefit after proper treatment. The patient craves for the full benefit. 
  6. The whole body becomes like a powerless and it is the mouth of the saliva. 
  7. The patient is unable to eat food and drink with his own hands. The mouth becomes crispy while speaking. 
  8. The eye on the side of disease remains open. The patient cannot roll his lips in round or in case of whistling; it is unable to bring lips. 

General Instructions:-

  1. When the patient is unable to breathe in an alarming situation then arrange the oxygen. 
  2. Massage the victim part of body twice daily. While performing massage the hand of the masseur should move towards the patient's heart from the bottom upwards. 
  3. Take a hot water mixed salt in a vessel and take cold water in another vessel, put the cloth in both which gets wet and give fomentation on victim part of body. Alternate with both clothes. Continue with a single cloth for only minutes. 
  4. If the paralysis due to brain vessel bleeding then immediately pour cold water on the head. 
  5. Give food as nutritious, digestive and lubricant as possible. In fact the patient also takes hard diet, bread-rice, lentils etc. according to their digestive power. 
  6. Spatial attention should be given to the patient not constipation. 
  7. Keep the patient's clothes, bed etc. always clean. 
  8. In order to support the patient on the bed and to support the organs on the bed, sand bags can be kept. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatment:-

  1. Steskas Capsule (Ayurveda) :- Give 1-2 capsule 2-3 times daily for control the blood pressure. 
  2. Asthi Plus Capsule (Indian Drug House):- It is useful in paralysis, arthritis, polio and other vata disorders. It is also beneficial in bone pain. 
  3. Jointax Capsule (Ayurvedic Vikas Sasthan):- It is useful in vata disorder. Paralysis is also vata disorder. As a result profit from it. Give 1 to 2 capsules 2-3 times daily.
  4. Rumalaya Tablet (Himalaya):- Give 1-2 tablets 2-3 times daily. It is beneficial in paralysis. 
  5. Artho Mukti Oil (Mukti Pharma):- The massage of this oil cures the inflammatory pain. Muscle weakness in paralysis also disappears. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatment:- 

  1. Samir Pannag Ras:- Give 65 to 12 mg with honey every morning and evening. Regular consumption of it results in paralysis. Increased blood pressure also comes under control. 
  2. Vatkulantak Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet 3-4 times daily with bhrahmi, shankhpushpi, clove and jatamansi quath.
  3. Ekangiveer Ras:- Give 1-2 tablet with honey or maharasnadi quath every morning and evening. It is useful in sciatica, paralysis etc. Weak organs make power stronger. 
  4. Yogendra Ras:- Give 1-1 tablet with castor oil or ghee every morning and evening. It is very good medicine of vata disorder and pitta disorder. This blood vessel is helpful in removing the distortions of the organisms and making the organs healthy. 
  5. Tryodashang Guggul:- Give 2-4 tablets every morning and evening with hot water. It is very good medicine of all vata disorder. 

Home Remedies:- 

  1. Make a quath with castor root, black gram, seeds of kaunch, khrenti root. Mix it quath asafoetida and rock salt. Give 25 to 50 ml every morning and evening. It is beneficial in paralysis. 
  2. Give sun seeds powder 15 gm with honey 10 or sun seeds grind with honey equal quantity daily for 21 days continuously. It consuming daily paralysis goes away. 
  3. Dashmool quath:- Take it with any other anti paralysis medicines. Mix in it asafoetida and rock salt and consuming it beneficial. 
  4. Mix black pepper into pure oil and give the massage. It is beneficial in paralysis.
  5. Grind the dry ginger and rock salt, make a bundle and smell it again and again it is very effective medicine. 
Mix equal quantity of Mahanarayana oil, Mahamash oil and Mahavishgarbh oil and give massage to the patient. It is very effective in paralysis.


What is Epilepsy?? How to get permanent rid by Ayurvedic Medicines??


Suddenly fall into a state of unconsciousness, to be less or stiffer in the body, comes mouth foam is the symptoms of Epilepsy. Everyone recognizes it that this is Epilepsy.

Epilepsy is dangers

Cause:- Not yet found the actual reasons. Some physicians have the opinion that this disease occurs between the ages of 10 to 15. But some patient also have been seen who have been victims of it within 6-7 days of birth. 

  1. Sperm protection and masturbation etc. are also being considered as the reason. 
  2. Physical hard work or mental work greater than physical ability invites this disease.
  3. Seasonal disorder, inner worm and nervous injuries are mainly considered to be the reason because such patient suffers from it. 
  4. The first attack of the Epilepsy occurs only when the patient in infected with an infectious fever or intestines. 
  5. Children also suffer from the disease due to intestinal worm.


  1. The patient fall suddenly due to unconsciousness. 
  2. Due to body stiffness the neck becomes scarred. The eyes are torn and the eyelids become stable.
  3. Mouth fills with foam, patient in the unknown state the slams foot and hand. 
  4. Due to unknown state the stool-urine is released. 
  5. Teeth and jaws down and the tongue of some patients get out. 
  6. It also has difficulty in breathing and leaving the patient. 
  7. When the disease attack is over breathing starts to come easily. Then gradually the patient gets into the senses or the patient sleeps. 
  8. Unconsciousness takes 10-15 minutes, but when the disease is old, this period can be 1-2 hours. In such a long period the severity of the disease attacks decrease or increase. 
  9. Some patients starts to asking if they come in senses that where i am? What is the name of this place, etc..........etc?

General Instruction:-

  1. Find out the root cause and do the same according to your treatment.
  2. Keep the patient away from physical and mental exertion and constipation.
  3. Keep the patient away from mental disorders, bereavement, anxiety, fear etc. 
  4. If there is a disease in the elderly then it can be lifelong. Medicine use can cure the disease. 
  5. If the small children are victims of it, then give the anti intestinal worm medicine first. Then, if needed, treat the Epilepsy. 
  6. Do not expect profit when you start the therapy, only after the treatment of months can the benefit be expected. Therefore, do not take medical care in patients who are in a hurry. 
  7. Common type of Epilepsy are automatically cured when age increase. 
  8. Many physicians think that if the virgin girls suffer from Epilepsy then after marrying her, the epilepsy stops. This is illusion; the truth is that if the patient is married then keeps away from sexual intercourse and if the patient is unmarried then advises to not do marry. 
  9. Give in meal to the patient papaya, lemon, mango, black berry, pomegranate, guava etc. ripe banana, green vegetables, banana flower etc. You can give mint paste. 
  10. Regularly follow the rules of health. If possible, change the climate even if it is possible. 
  11. Tobacco, consumption of any type of smoking, alcohol and other substance is beneficial.
  12. Avoid meat, fish, tea, coffee and other stimulants. 
  13. Do not let the bike or motor cycle or cycle and other fast moving vehicle and machine run. 
  14. Increase the quantity of alkaline in the blood increases the chance of epilepsy. Therefore, avoid the similar chemical and lime etc.
  15. During the epilepsy loose the all wear cloth of patient. 
  16. Lay the patient on a thick padded bed. Put pillow under head and up the head. Do not let the patient lie on the stomach. Because of this, due to the pressure of nose, mouth etc. fear of breathing is stopped. 
  17. In the case of a tooth place the cork, a soft piece of wood or a padded cloth between the two teeth. Doing this protects teeth and tongue and there is no fear of stop breathing.
  18. Spraying water on the face and lay the patient to the open air.
  19. If the tooth is artificial then remove it.
  20. Smell ammonia to the patient. 
  21. In the absence of ammonia smell white onion paste during the Epilepsy. The patient comes to the sense soon.

 Ayurvedic Patent Treatment:- In addition a favourable and suitable medication, give the necessary medicines to control nervous system and hypertension in medicine. 

  1. Shankhpushpi (Mahadev Healthcare):- Regular consumption of it away neurological impairment. Gradually the seizures decrease. 
  2. Fit for Syrup (Satyawati Pharma):- Can give it to everyone. It can be given in both patient and healthy states. Regular consumption of nerves and mental impaired is eliminated and gradually decrease. 
  3. Shankhpushpi Syrup (Indian Drug House):- It is beneficial in helps in removing brain weakness. Regular consumption of it helps to remove seizures, mental illness and headache.
  4. Ned Tablet (Charak):- Give 2 tablets 3-4 times daily as need and give children according to age. 
  5. Serpina Tablet (Himalaya):- Give 1/2 to 1 tea spoon 2-3 times daily. Give children according to age. If epilepsy due to high blood pressure then it is very useful because it is blood pressure controller also. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatment:- 

  1. Vatkulantak Ras:- Give 65 to 125 gm with honey every morning and evening. 
  2. Shri khandasava:- Give 15 to 30 ml 2 times daily with equal quantity of water. It is decreasing the seizures. The patient gets relief and become healthy. Give it in epilepsy alone or along with other medicine. 
  3. Aptantrkaari Vati:- Give 1-2 tablets 2 times daily with honey. Give children according to age 1/2 or 1/4 part.
  4. Smritisagar Ras:- Give 125 mg  every morning and evening with honey in Epilepsy. Give children according age.
  5. Chandbhairav Ras:- Give 125 mg every morning and evening with honey. Give children 1/2 or 1/4 quantity. 

Home Remedies:-    

  1. Insert the onion juice into the nose, Epilepsy removes. White onion is more effective instead of red onion. 
  2. Make one smell the grinding rye reduce the severity of the seizure and the patient comes to the sense soon. 
  3. Using garlic with sesame is useful to epilepsy seizures. Give it to the patient for some months. It is such recognition.  
  4. Give shatavri churan 5 to 10 gm every morning and evening with milk. It is very useful and effective in Epilepsy. 
  5. Give khurasni bach powder 6 gm with milk every morning and evening. It is beneficial in Epilepsy and disease will be cure soon. 

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