What is Measure/Value definition in Ayurvedic Medicine Prepration?


          For making the Ayurvedic medicine the measure and value knowledge is necessary. Because in that process the volume of herbs is not proper then the medicine will also not fully effective. So in this blog explain the Measure/Value. 
          In Ayurvedic sciences Magdhiy and Kaling two things are mentioned by distinction. Being in this both measure Magdhiy measure is best so Vaidya is more use of it measure. But its weights is very difficult due to unattainable things. Hence Vaidya used to Tola, Chhatank, Serr, Mana, Bats. But now their practice according to government law has ceased. And in their place, the introduction of new penitentiary systems like milligram, gm, kilogram, kivantal etc. Vaidyas should also use it. So are giving comparative correspondence.                       

Measurement of Herbs

                                    According to Sharangdhar
                                                  Magnetic Values
1 Trasrennu = The particales of the dust blowing of sun soming in the room with small window is called "Trasrennu".
6 Trasrennu, Dhwanshi or vanshi = 1 Marichi
6 Marichi = 1 Raai
3 Raai = 1 Sarso
8 Sarso = 1 Barley
2 Red rice = 1 Barley
4 Barley = 1 Ratti or Gunjja
6 Ratti = 1 Masha
4 Masha          = 24 Ratti = 2 Shaann, Mashak, Hem dhanyak
2 Shann          = 48 Ratti = 1 Drakshan, kol, Gadhaann or Vatak
2 Drakshan    = 4 Shann =
                       = 96 Ratti = 1 Karsh
2 Karsh           = 2 Tola = 1 Palardh, Shukti
2 Palardh      =  4 Tola = 1 Pal, Mushti, Bisv, Chaturthika
2 Pal               =  8 Tola = 1 Prasriti, Prasrat
2 Prasriti       = 16 Tola = 1 Anjali, Kudav
2 Anjali         =  32 Tola = 1 Manika Sharab or Ashtpal
2 Sharab       =  64 Tola = 1 Prasth
4 Prasth        = 3 Ser = 1 Aadak, Bhajan, Kanspatr
4 Aadak         = 12 Ser   = 1 dronn, Kalash, Ghat
2 Dronn         = 25 Ser = 1 Soorp, Kumbh or Chatushashti Sharab
2 Soorp          = 51 Ser = 1 Vaahi, Gonni, Bhari or Dronni
4 Dronni       =  204 Ser = 1 Khaari
100 Pal               = 5 Ser = 1 Tula
20 Tula             = 100 Ser = 1 Bhaar

                           Maan Definiation According to Sushrut
12 Udad = 1 Suvarnn Mashak = ( 1 Masha)
16 Suvarnn Mashak = 1 Karsh = Suvarnn = 1 Tola
19 Nishpav = 1 Dharan
2 Dharan = 1 Karsh( Tola)
4 Karsh = 1 Pal = 4 Tola
4 Pal = 1 Kudav = 3 Chh. = 1 Tola
4 Kudav = 1 Prasth = 12 Chh. = 4 Tola
4 Prasth = 1 Adaak = 3 Ser = 3 Chh. 1 Tola
4 Adaak = 1 Dronn = 12 Ser = 12 Chh. 4 Tola
400   Karsh = 1 Tula = 5 Ser
20 Tula = 1 Bhaar = 100 Ser


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