What is Pruritis Vulvae? How to get rid from it by Ayurvedic Home Remedies?


It is itching of the vagina to be intolerable itching in the vaginal region. This is a complex disease. 
There is lot of pain to the patient. There can be many reasons for this.

Pruritis vulva is dangers


  1. This disease occurs only in the absence of cleanliness, women who do not care about negligence or cleanliness of the system and body and women who suffer from diseases they wear petticoats. He is more intimidated than that. 
  2. A woman who comes to wealthy home also take care their body in exterior decorations but does not pay attention to the cleaning of private part etc. This is the side effect of the same. 
  3. Some chemical soap that are used to clean hair. If such soaps are used then allergy cause itching. 
  4. Similarly, there is many creams and ointment like that soaps which side effect invasion of this disease. 
  5. The use of contraception medicines and equipment also leads to this disease.
  6. Get diabetic diagnostic test to the victim woman because women suffer from diabetes it is also itchy in the sense. 
  7. Due to the consumption of different types of medicines, this disease gets affected by the side effects of these drugs. 
  8. Those men who have genitalia disease, it is also itchy. This disease is also caused by sexual intercourse. 


  1. This is the scabby itching disease. When itching then by forgetting the limit the woman starts to scratch because she is bound to do this. 
  2. She finds some peace while scratching but after a few moments there is pain and irritation. 
  3. Constant itching turns red in skin. If caution does not occur then while itching filthy nails spread the infection and itching turn into wound. Those which is lot of troubled. 
  4. Commonly with this disorder blood deficiency, jaundice, digestive disorder etc. also occurs. So while starting treatments pay attention to these facts too. 

General Instructions:-

  1. Pay special attention to cleanliness. Clean the under garments daily. Do not wear others inner clothes. 
  2. After urine, clean and wash properly the private part with water. If possible wash with the lukewarm water and alum solution. 
  3. The women generally does not give more information by shame but the duty of the doctor is to find out the real causes of disease with faith and provide necessary instructions according to the same reason as well as medical. 
  4. If the disease related with menstruation then treated first. 
  5. If there is doubt of gonorrhea or syphilis then starts necessary tests and treatments. 
  6. If the nails of the patient are long then advise to do short. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatment:-

  1. Raktashodhan Vati (Baidyanath):- Give 1-2 tablets three times daily. The patient gets hopeful benefit.
  2. Khujleena Tablet (Dabur):- Give 1 to 2 tablets three times daily. 
  3. Gandhak Rasayan Tablet (Panvel):- Give 1 to 2 tablets 3 times daily. By regularising for a few days there is a permanent benefit. 
  4. Raktanikhar Capsule (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- Give 1 to 2 capsules with water or milk every morning and evening. With this the blood is cleansed and all kinds of skin disorders are cured. 
  5. Dadrudaman Marham (Ayurveda Vikas Sansthan):- Properly cleansing and drying the suffering area and apply this 2-3 times daily after itching. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatment:-

  1. Gandhak Rasayan:- Give 1/2 to 1 gm with mahamanjishtharishta quath every morning and evening. It is good blood purifier and itching is also cure by its regular consumption. 
  2. Ark Usba:- Give 25 to 50 ml with equal quantity of water twice daily. 
  3. Ark Gorakhmundi:- Give 25 to 50 ml with equal quantity of water 4 times after the difference of 6-6 hours. 
  4. Guduchyadi Loh:- Give 250 ml with honey or milk every morning and evening. The patient gets hopeful benefit. 
  5. Mahamarichyadi Oil:- Apply this oil 2-3 times on suffering area after the itching is beneficial to cure soon. 

Home Remedies:-

  1. Cleansing 2-3 times daily with neem leaves quath on suffering skin. It is very effective home remedies,
  2. Applying neem oil or equal quantity of mole oil 2-3 times every morning and evening on suffering skin.
  3. Refined sulfur mixed into pure mustard oil and keeps it in the sunlight for one hour. Then keep it closed. Applying this oil 2 times daily is beneficial. 
  4. The bark of the neem or leaves oil is beneficial to applying the suffering skin 2-3 times daily. 

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