What is Dysuria?? How to cure it By Ayurveda??


The meaning of Dysuria is urine discharge quantity comes low. Urine discharge quantity is very low than the normal urine discharge. Based on these symptoms it can be easily identified. There is also burning sensation in it. This also knowing the name of Painful Micturition.

"Dysuria" not ignore this disease


  1. More drinkers are more pray than those and drinking alcohol causes many kinds of other diseases. 
  2. Gonorrhea patient is more suffering from this disease.
  3. Metallic related disease patient also suffering from this disease. 
  4. Urinary calculus, Bladder inflammation, Urine acidification, Menstruation disorder, More Exercise or more physical work leads to Dysuria.
  5. Drink less water, stopping urinary velocity, consuming more sharp things, indigestion also invite this disease. 
  6. Fast horse riding, More cycling, urine when thick, Deformity of kidneys, become more gas in the stomach are also leads to Dysuria.
  7. Eat dry food more and Drink less water if thirsty due to any reason or habitually also the reason of this disease.


  1. Urine comes in drops with little pain.
  2. Urine comes from yellow, red or sometimes blood mixed.
  3. The patient's urinary discharge remains the same while after also discharge urine. 
  4. Patient always worried for openly urinating. 
  5. If the patient is already suffer from gonorrhea then patient discharge the urine with pus. 
  6. Bladder is full of urine still urine does not come openly. That situation is very painful for patient. 

General Instructions:- 

  1. Give to the patient only cold water or ice mixed water if it is possible.
  2. Avoid patient acidic substances and eat alkaline substance. Become veterinarian leave the meat and win. 
  3. Put cold water or ice in the cloth and put it on the stomach. 
  4. Find out the root cause and remove them.
  5. The cause that have been discussed under the causes of the disease and also stay away from drinking. 
  6. If swelling in the bladder, inflammation etc. then treated it. 
  7. If the patient suffer from stone problem then give the stone remover medicine. 

Ayurvedic Patent Treatment:- 

  1. Breakston (Ayurveic Vikas Sansthan):- If the reason of Dysuria is urine stone then give 1-2 capsules two times daily. After consuming continuously stone break automatically and remove form bladder and the Dysuria go away. 
  2. No stone Syrup (Satyavati Pharma):- Give 1-2 tea spoon thrice daily with half cup of water. It is beneficial in Dysuria. 
  3. Nefrocure Syrup (Indian Drug House):- It is very effective medicine of Dysuria. Give 2-2 tea spoon with water thrice daily. It is beneficial.
  4. Rinalfa Liquid (Himalaya):- Give 1-1 tea spoons with little quantity of water thrice daily. The irritation and infection of the urinary track is cured by consuming it. 
  5. Bangshil Tablet (Alarsin Pharma):- Give 2-2 tablets thrice daily with hot milk. It is beneficial. 

Ayurvedic Classical Treatment:- 

  1. Chandnasava:- Give 15 to 30 ml with equal quantity of water twice daily after the meal. 
  2. Chandnadi Vati:- Give 1-2 tablets with equal quantity of water. It is beneficial.
  3. Kandrap Ras:- Give 250 mg with quath Triphala churana twice daily. It is beneficial. 
  4. Chitrkadye Ghrit:- Give 3 to 6 gm with milk twice daily. It is very effective Ayurvedic Aushdhi for Dysuria.
  5. Chandraparbha Vati:- It is very good medicine for urine related diseases. Give 2-2 tablet with gokshru quath twice daily. 

Home Remedies:-

  1. Drink coconut water many times daily. It is beneficially. 
  2. Give Shilajit 250-500 mg with honey twice daily. It is very good medicine. 
  3. Give yavakshar and jag mix with sugar juice daily two times.
  4. Give caltrap panchang quath mix with sugar candy 2-3 times daily. 
  5. Mix old jag or sugar candy in milk and give to the patient many times daily. It is beneficial. 

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